Yes, I guess I am at heart, but my heart hasn't been in it lately. Why? Probably because I've just been plain lazy all summer. No other reason can be found. The summer has been going by very fast calendar wise. We have been running here & there, but not doing anything ultra exciting.
The grand sons have been visiting & enjoying the pool at the campground & just "camping out" with Papa & Grandma. We have truly had an enjoyable summer. The weather has been hot & humid - a regular old fashion summer. It sure beats the rain & flooding of last summer!
We celebrated Renee's 40th birthday with a little get together of friends at the trailer! 40 Candles on a cake!!!! Yikes, blow them out quick. Seems like it wasn't that long ago that I turned 40! She was a little disappointed I think, that her mom didn't bake & decorate her birthday cake. I burned up the hand mixer I bought, so that was one excuse.
Here Bill & I are lighting her candles on her dolphin cake (baked by the bakery)!

The following weekend was my big 45th class reunion. What a great weekend. Got to see some of my friends I hadn't seen in 45 years!
Bill, Ron, Klaudette, Jack & Doris

Friday evening was just a get together & re-acquaintance party.

Father Mike (doesn't like like a priest here!)

Alberto (with sunglasses) was our foreign exchange student from Argentina. He & his wife came to help us celebrate our great class of '65.

Jack (with whom Alberta stayed during our senior year) talking with Jerry

Dick & Sue

Saturday afternoon we met at the Robert H. Jackson Elementary School for a road rally. What fun that was.

Our Chinese Fire Drill

Liberty at the Jamestown Audubon

Saturday night took us to the "prom". Johnana & her crew did an absolutely amazing job of decorating the parish hall.

Blue & Gold - our school colors

Thanks Cuz Johnana - the lady of the night!

Classmates: Frank, Sandy & hubby, Doris

Dale, Duane, Bud's friend & Bud

Father Mike, our MC of the evening

Cuz Kathy

My dancing friend Carol with Shirley. Got Carol to go line dancing with me after getting together with her for lunch & talking her into going.

The following weekend - they run one after the other! Bill & I were hosts for our 108th Wiltsie Family Reunion held at Ron & Sheila's church property outside of Frewsburg. Here great nieces & nephews (cousins) are in the background & Bill Wiltsie, my cousin, is the oldest represented family present.
Sarah, Ryan, Katie, Ruth & Latasha

The Ray Wiltsie Family (my brother on the far right back)

The Bill & Dorothy Wiltsie Waite Family (my sister in front middle)

The Bob & Romayne Wiltsie Long Family (my sister 2nd from left)

The Herb Wiltsie Family (my brother 4th from left in back)

The Bill & Peggy Wiltsie Bullock Family) You can see who has the smallest family!!! 4 were missing.

Kids playing games

BIG KIDS playing water balloon toss game. Bob E. almost didn't catch it.

Ready, set, go.

Noah & Nick tossing the water balloon

Youngest relative there, Genevieve Hennessy

Part of my family, Herb, me, Ray, Dot. Missing, my sister Romayne

One class reunion, one family reunion down, on to friends reunion. We always have to squeeze at least one luncheon in with former co-workers/friends. Here Marilyn, Judy, Mary Ann & Toni pose before we eat on Mary Ann's back patio. It was a glorious day followed by a sit in the hot tub.

On to the next Family Reunion, the 8th of Aug.
This was the welcome sign at Denny & Gloria's home in Forestville, NY. A new banner - Bullock Family Reunion 2010. Love it! Here Brother Terrance of Madison, WI with his conductor hat on waits for the rest of the family to arrive.

Now how many people are going to stop & check to see if Sandra Bullock is really in the house??? Gloria said several cars went really, really slow! LOL

The youngest Bullock relative, Aiden. 5th Generation

3rd Generation Cousins

4th Generation Cousins

The whole gang that was present

During the White Elephant auction, Bill is enjoying a piece of cherry pie.

The following Saturday, we are off to our dear friend's, Denice & Chuck's daughter's wedding. Jess & Troy, you had a beautiful wedding!
Table decorations

Along the bridal path

Chuck & Jess. A beautiful day, a beautiful, happy bride!

At the reception, Bob (our best man) & his buddy Bill

Jess & Troy

Wedding cake was miniature cup cakes!

I finally got another scratch are picture done. I did this pelican for my dear friend, Deanna. She had to endure another round of cancer surgery on her tongue. Thank God the doctor had to take very little again & there were no other signs anywhere. She loves pelicans, so I thought this would cheer her. Although it will have to "fly" back to Florida with her to join her other pelican friends.

When we leave Western NY to begin our trip back to Arizona, we will be stopping in Pine Mountain, GA to visit this brand new home being built by our good friends, Dave & Dianne. Can't wait to see it!

Our other friends & "used to be neighbors" at Superstition, sent us pictures of their new home in Washington State. Wow! Everyone seems to be starting on new adventures of new homes. Theirs is ideal, as it is close (next door) to their daughters. I guess those are things we need to look at as we get older & think about needing help in the future.

Now that I've finally got everyone caught up I have to tell you to go to my list of blogs I follow & click on Snookie & Bob. You just HAVE to read her 8/21 - 8/22 renditions!!! You thought it was only the Bullock's that had problems within/without their trailer. It makes my awning problems look like "baby steps"! Oh my, Snookie. You are a gem! I do wish someday that you will write a book!!!!
This past Sunday, two of our grand sons, Nick & Noah, were baptized. It was a joy to share in their day. Renee & Tom's best man, Bill B., & matron of honor, Kathy, were on hand to lend their support to the parents & the young boys. God Bless them always.
Hunter, Tom, Renee, Nick & Noah
Nick being baptized
Noah being baptized
Next Tuesday we will be heading to Lime Lake to get new brakes installed on the front tires of our trailer. That should be done by Wed. evening & Thurs. we will head up & across Canada to Michigan to celebrate with my niece & husband, Deb & Gary. 50 years each! What a party they will have. Then we plan to skip across a few miles to visit with Bill's cousin, Pat & Jim.
I'm getting the itch to travel! Can't wait to be on the road again.
So until next time.............The Traveling Cardinals