Wednesday, December 31, 2008
I said to a man who stood at the gate of the year, "Give me a light that I may
tread safely into the unknown." And he replied, "Go out into the darkness
and put your hand in the hand of God. That shall be to you better than a
light and safter than a known way."
A wonderful way to look at the end of a year and to begin the new.
This week hasn't been quite as busy since Christmas. Nice to slow down a little.
A friend invited me to a Pilates/Stretch class on Monday. At least she said she was my friend! She truly is! But oh my. This is Wed. & I'm still having a hard time with muscles I didn't know I had. I try not to cough either! I said during class if God had wanted me to be a pretzel he would have left me 10 years old! It was fun & I think it just goes to show how much my body needs to do that to keep from having back, neck & hip problems down the road. At least that is suppose to be the goal! I can't do it twice a week, but I will continue to go on Monday mornings. It is another one of those challenges.
Tonight will be our traveling game night. We all split up from our spouses & go to 4 different trailers (all preassigned). We play a different game at each trailer for 50 minutes, then have 10 mins. to go to the next one. At 11:00pm we will all meet back at the 5th trailer for food & celebration of the new year. Those of us who don't host will bring the food. I'm taking veggies. It's not hard & after snacking at the other places, I doubt we will be very hungry.
Tomorrow Bill & I will be going to the University of Arizona's stadium (where last year's Super Bowl was) to watch the National High School Band Championships. I'm sure it will be a fun day. As old Band Parents, we are really looking forward to it! I hope I can get some pictures. We got seats on the 40-50 yard line & if it was a football game they would have cost $400!! Also, if it was football, at that price I wouldn't be there!
So, as the old year closes, thank you for being faithful readers and I welcome you back next year to more episodes of...................The Traveling Cardinal's
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Merry Christmas (two days later)
Friday, December 19, 2008
An Exciting Day!
Also, I tried to take a couple pictures of my Scratch Art projects. They are harder to take because of the black & the shiny part after scratching off the black paint. This is done on a piece of aluminum that has been spray painted black. It is addicting. I worked on it for about 2 hrs. last night, but my neck was pretty tense when I gave up & said that was enough for one night.
I hope you get the idea of what it looked like. As always, pictures never do justice to what you can see with the human eye!
When we got home tonight we had new neighbors! A big 40' 5th wheel like ours only a Montana is right next to us where Chuck & Denice were last year. They are from New Mexico & will be here for about 3 months. They were here last year on the same street only on the North half. We introduced ourselves (it was dark out when they got here) & their names are Camille & Roger. I felt sorry for them trying to park that big rig in the dark! But I think he did a better job than we did in the daylight! Must have had more practice than us. That backing up is a pain! They are a couple about our age so it will be fun to have neighbors. I just hope they don't mind us using that side of our trailer to sit in the sun. We don't get any on the door side of our trailer. I told them what we did last year with Chuck & Denise with our patio rug out there & then shared it. They have a big dually like us though, so doesn't leave a lot of room for rug, but at least we can sit & visit.
Tomorrow morning is breakfast at the club house & then I'd better get busy finishing up my cookies. Next week I'm cooking the turkey for our table for Christmas. Will have to shop for that on Sunday as we don't have a freezer to put that in. Gene & Faye didn't have room in theirs either, so I just need to make room in the fridge. Soooooooo glad we have 2 refrigerators in this rig. Why did I ever think I could get away with one?????
Well, I think this about updates us for now. Finally got a few pictures. Until next time.................... The Traveling Cardinal's
Thursday, December 18, 2008
One Week To Christmas
I think I'm pretty ready. Boxes have been sent & received on the East Coast. Candy is done, some delivered. I'd like to make another batch, but........well, I'd just eat it! This afternoon I'm going to make a batch of sugar cookies. It won't be as much fun as last year when little Nick & Noah helped mom & grandma decorate them though. But, I'm sure they will be eaten just the same. I'm waiting for the butter to soften right now.
This morning I went to Scratch Class again. Gosh, I love it. It's hard to not forget all the responsibilities of life & just sit & do it for a couple of hours! I think I just might get Christmas gifts done for next year while I'm here. Today we learned how to do the trees. Not sure if I have the hang of it yet, but I guess practice makes perfect (ya, right!) That's the neat part about doing art work, there are no mistakes! Ha! Ha! It's called interpretation!
We broke down last week & bought some pretty patio lights. They are purple/bluish balls. Thought we could use them for Christmas. I also bought some foam art snowflakes. Decorated them & thought they would look cute between each ball. Well since we have one of those automatic WeatherPro awnings that automatically goes up or dumps the rain, we had to disable that mechanism first. Then we got the lights up & I arranged the snowflakes. Looked kind of cute. Got a small extension cord last night & plugged them in. They looked pretty neat. Wouldn't you know......we came home with stars out & moon shining, went to bed & all of a sudden it started to rain & did the wind blow!!!! You know what we had to do! Out of bed, get dressed, get the step ladder & take it all down! I think that was around midnight! Now I know why we never bought patio lights before. We knew that, but we thought, oh it might work out here in AZ, but I guess not! Neighbors told us not to do that until around the middle of Jan. when the winter weather would calm down & not as much chance of wind/rain storms. So tomorrow if the weather is a little nicer, I'm going to try & figure out how to string them just across the rolled up awning. I'm determined. I'll figure out something!
We got the nicest Christmas gift from the park owners. A nice card with a CD of Christmas Carols in it. Very nice & didn't expect something so nice! It really is a nice, thoughtful park. A really nice 2nd home. Never did we think we would enjoy this life style so much. Just looking at my daily calendar & this is what it said........"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." by Eleanor Roosevelt. The Bible verse for today was: "No eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the human heart conceived, what God has prepared for those who love him." What a coincidence.........Not on your life..........He has it all planned!!! God is Amazing how he speaks to our hearts & in our lives! He knew our dream before we did!
We still haven't gotten out to take those pictures of the Mormon Temple in Mesa. Just too busy I guess. Went to a 1940's musical skit/show here at the park on Tues. night. Really nice. The husband & wife performed for the price of 2 non-perishable items for admission for the local Food Bank. It was a nice evening spent out & not just sitting home. I told Bill I've had more dates since Nov. 24th than I've had in the last 2 yrs.!
We saw gas last night down to $1.49, but he said the news today wasn't great. OPEC is going to get those prices back up again! Watch, about the time we have to travel back to the East Coast, we'll be paying big bucks again!
Our friends from Iowa left there early yesterday morning & got to the west side of Oklahoma. They said they were lucky & had good roads. This morning they checked with someone regarding the weather & they have routed them down into southern Texas to take that route as snow storms are taking over the Rocky Mt. area of Interstate 40. Better to be safe than sorry. Might take them a little longer, but we have to remember, when you are retired you just take your time & enjoy the scenery which ever way you travel!
Other friends on our street from Syracuse, NY arrived yesterday afternoon. They flew, but it was a very long day for them. Dona was down at the club house this morning checking out things, but Doug was home resting. Just happy to see them again!
Sorry I don't have any pictures to share. I never think to take my camera with me when I go Line Dancing, or to classes. I guess I should get on the ball & get with the Blog program huh? Maybe I'll remember tomorrow. Batteries are plugged in to recharge.
I guess I've rambled enough. Time to go bake those cookies! I can almost smell them baking!
Until next time..........The Traveling Cardinal's
Friday, December 12, 2008
Busy Days & Busy Nights
Monday I got a chance to run down to the Club House for Market Day & pick out a couple of Christmas gifts. So much to choose from. There are many busy hands working on projects here at the park. Some beautiful handiwork. I also signed up for a table for Christmas Dinner. I volunteered to do the turkey. Usually you have 16 people (sometimes up to 20) at a table. Each signs up for something on the list & everyone puts in a dollar towards the turkey. I love the smell of it roasting on Christmas. I think I'll stuff it even though someone else signed up for dressing.
On Tuesday morning I went to the ladies craft class (can't say what until after Christmas) at Kay's trailer. We had a good time. Met a lady from Ubly, MI. That's not far from my niece Deb & nephews, Larry & Bob. There are several people here from Alpena. Bill said he remembered that town from when my brother-in-law Boney played ball several years ago. We all had a great time. I had my project finished except the very end. That way I could put it in a Christmas box.
Tuesday afternoon I went to my line dancing class & we had quite a few still coming. Lost a few from the first class, but they might eventually return. Great exercise & lots of fun. Had our trailer & roof washed. Not happy with the job so of course I did it by hand. I think I'm a lot like Bob, right Snookie???? I'm particular about spots & streaks. I don't like black streaks & I don't like water spots. Oh well. I just wish I had the nerve to get up on the roof to do that myself. I don't like heights!
Wednesday morning we ran errands & got our Christmas boxes in the mail to the kids. Hopefully we sent them early enough they will get them before Christmas. Wouldn't want them to not get something from Grandma & Papa! Besides, there are Christmas treats in there too! We filled up the gas tank & diesel was only $2.19! Wow! I can't remember ever seeing that price! I think since we bought the truck! Gas is down to $1.55. Wish there were more snowbirds from PA coming to AZ! Hint! Hint!
Wednesday evening we went out for supper & played cards at Joey & Lyle's afterwards. Learned another new game. Now if I can just keep them all straight. On New Year's Eve about 20 of us will travel from trailer to trailer & play games then end up at one place for eats and ringing in of the New Year. Sounds like lots of fun. No driving either!
Thursday morning I started a Scratch Art class. I love it!! Bill plays cards on Tues. & Thurs. so that works out great. This will give me something to do at home while the football games are on. Also, it gets my nose out of a book & something to do besides sewing. It is very painstaking, but really neat. Just need to get used to the different techniques. We start out with something simple & then progress. I can't wait to get into the animals to learn how to do hair, etc.
Thursday afternoon we had a meeting of teachers & monitors for computer classes. I have volunteered to be a monitor. Not quite comfortable doing the teaching yet. I remember doing that back at WSH, but I was a little quicker then & was using programs more often. The brain gets a little slower with age!!! But it is fun. After the first of the year they are going to do a basic class on Vista that I want to take. Then when I get ready to buy a new computer I won't feel so intimidated. Also, if Renee or Tom has questions on their computer, I might be able to help. Never hurts to be prepared for the future. My Microsoft Office programs are already years behind. One of these days, I probably should update that too.
Called my sister Romayne today to check in & make sure everyone was okay there. I didn't get her called back on Mon., so thought I'd better get on the stick. Saturday is her birthday & she said I wouldn't have to call again. We'll see. It's a free call on Sat., so will probably call to say Happy Birthday. In the meantime...........HAPPY BIRTHDAY SIS! Love & Miss you!
Last night Bill & I sat & addressed all of our Christmas Cards. I mailed them this morning. So if you don't get one in the mail, it's because you have email & you will get yours that way. I know that sounds cheap, but it's faster & it saves that mailman from having to lug all that extra weight over the holidays! So if you are reading this & don't get a card in the next week, you will be getting one, we didn't forget you!
Today was computer club meeting. Had another interesting speaker. Talked about a program called Jing that you can download for free at Takes pictures of your computer screen & can use them anywhere. Looked really simple to use & you can insert text, arrows, etc. into the picture after capturing it. It's an easy version of SnagIt by TechSmith. That one you have to buy. I don't think I would have a lot of use for that one, but it was quite interesting. You can try it for 30 days free to see if you like it. Might want to check it out if you think you might use it. Just make sure your computer isn't a slow running one.
Well, the guy seal coated our roof this morning. Still a little dissatisfied with job. I guess no one does the job like we would. Next time I think Bill & I will do it ourselves. You get what you pay for. Some people are just in a hurry to get the job done & don't care how it's done. Since this is our home & we want to make sure we take care of it, we want to do the job right, neatly without a sloppy mess. Oh well, live & learn. At least we didn't see anything running down the side of the trailer! Bill is out checking right now. After checking closer, it was done where he didn't think it was. So I guess Bill needs to do a little apologizing! Things look different from the ground up than from the top down.
Tonight we were invited to go with the gang to the Legion for supper but we think we will stay home. They only have fried fish & since we went out Wed. night, we will stay home & cook our own tonight. Trying real hard to stay on the straight & narrow! They are having a Christmas concert. A Joyous Christmas by the Superstition Snrise Choraliers to welcome in the holiday season. We want to go to that at 7:30. It's only $3.00 a ticket. Again, no driving, so that's a reasonable evening out.
Well, that about wraps up this week. No pictures to share, so until next time..........................
The Traveling Cardinal's
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Beautiful Saturday
I came home & spent the day making some Christmas Candy and Bill went to play cards. When he told the guys what I was doing, they said, 'don't forget us"! Well, maybe I'll save a few pieces out for them! I just need to get some of this done ahead of time so I can get my little kids packages ready to mail. I called my brother, Ray, to wish him a happy birthday. Gosh 78!!!!! He's doing good! Next Sat. is my sister's birthday & (shhhhhhh, she's only a year behind him!) He said it was too cold to go out hunting. So he stayed in today.
Sat. night Bill and I went to Fountain Hills, AZ for their Stroll in The Glow. Similar to Christmas Walk in downtown Warren, PA. There was a countdown for the lights to be lit on the Avenue of the Fountains, shops were open for free treats - they were giving away cookies (I didn't have any but the cookie monster did), hot chocolate (couldn't resist), candy & wine from a fountain in the jewelry store, had to have a little taste. Bill & I split a small glass. Stores were open for shopping too & then Santa arrived by Fire Truck. The only thing different between here & PA was they had to "make" their own snow for the kids to play in & the weather was quite a bit warmer than back in PA!!!! I asked some teen if I could touch his "snowball" (more like ice ball), so now I've had my official winter. Gosh, it didn't take much to make me happy did it?
At it's full height (every hr. on the hr.) of 560 ft., the fountain, in the center of Fountain Hills, AZ, is higher than the Washington Monument. It is also 10 ft. taller then Notre Dame Cathedral, 110 ft. higher than the Great Pyramid of Cheops in Egypt and 3 times as high as Old Faithful Geyser in Yellowstone Park. The pump is powered by 3 500 HP pumps which forces 70,000 gals. of reclaimed water per minute through an 18" nozzle specially designed & built by Switzerland's Institute of Hydraulic Research. Beautiful at sunset with the sun shining on it.
Santa & a couple of cuties
We made a quick stop at Walmart to pick up more candy making ingredients so I can hopefully finish that this week. Maybe even get some done tonight (Sunday).
This morning I took my Ritz Cracker cookies to Coffee Fellowship after Chapel & the plate was clean so I guess they were good. Again, thanks Amy. I used wheat crackers & reduced fat peanut butter, but I still didn't eat any. That's because I ate a weeks worth of points almost yesterday with fudge! Oh my! This is a really bad time of year for me. Chocolate & Sweets. Speaking of church this morning.....they keep track of attendance from one year to the next for the same Sunday, last year at this time there were 139 attendees, today there were 190! Wow! God is Good! As Aaron says.....All the Time!
I've spent all afternoon on the computer messing around. Amazing how time flies when you are playing with emails, setting up email contact categories & downloading pictures from the camera. It was a dreary, cloudy day, so didn't accomplish much. We did call home to the Rockwell 50th Anniversary party going on at the Holiday Inn in Warren. Got to talk to a few people & to wish them well. Bill had called Dick S. his friend, & he had been out blowing snow. They got about 8" last night! It's so hard to tell them (ya right!!!!) how nice it is out here & we don't brag about the weather or the temperature or the sunsets or ....... you know.
Our neighbor, Ruby, just came over & invited us to play cards tonight after we eat. I guess I won't be making candy tonight. Oh well, there is always tomorrow. Nothing on the calendar except a gentleman is coming to wash our roof & trailer & then in a couple of days he's going to coat the rubber roof for us. That will save me worrying about Bill falling off & neither of us are keen on heights so that solved our problem. It may rain tonight but doesn't call for it tomorrow.
Well, my hubby is cooking chicken on the grill, the sweet potato is baking in the microwave & I'm about done here, so...........
Until next time..............The Traveling Cardinal's
Friday, December 5, 2008
Where Did The Week Go????
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Catch Up Day Again
Tuesday Night's Sunset
Looking at Sunset Sky & down John Garfield St. decorations
We have done a little decorating for Christmas outside & all I'm going to do inside. It's hard when you don't have storage space to put a lot of things. I put the tree up last night & like I used to do at home, I'd do a little each day. Now I'm done. Just have to get the presents that I'm making finished so they can be mailed. Shopping was easier this year too. It was called "plastic cards". The teenagers love it! Besides, what do you buy teens anyway? Grandma & Grandpa either can't understand it or we can't afford it! I always thought money was so impersonal, but now I understand where my parents & grandparents were coming from. But back then, my grandparents gave us a quarter in a card & even that was special! At least I never got coal in my stocking!!!! Ask the kids today if they ever heard of an orange, nuts & a candy cane in their stockings??????? They will look at you like you've lost your marbles!!!

The hardest part of decorating for Christmas this year was doing it with no snow, wearing shorts & flip-flops!!!! We had a few warm days in PA that we could decorate outside, but definitely never shorts & flip-flops! I can't imagine all the lights we put up outside at home & with frozen fingers too. Now 2 strings is "enough".
All the deer hunters back in PA are in full swing. Our son, Mark, is excited about going home to PA to spend with his old friend, Jamie, to go hunting. I'm sure he will have a great time. Just so they remember to have a "safe" time too! They were almost inseparable when they lived across the street from each other. I will always think of Jamie as "my other son". I hope Mark gets a deer. Been a few years since he hunted there & got one. He usually always does, but I remember the last time his dad & him went hunting it was so warm they almost couldn't wear hunting clothes. Good thing he got his deer first thing in the morning before it really got warm.
I'm excited about tomorrow morning. I'm going to go to a Scratch Art Class that I've never done before. I saw the work last year right before we left & I thought, wow, I'd love to do that. So I'm going to give it a try.
Bill has been getting up early & playing pool at 6am!!! Yikes!!!! Not me! I gave up going to 7:30 exercise. That's just too early for me. I like my relaxing mornings. Anything from 9am on is great, but give me my mornings!
Well, I guess that about brings us up-to-date. OK, Renee????
Until next time...........The Traveling Cardinal's
Friday, November 28, 2008
WOW! Three more hits to 1000!
I walked 3 miles this morning so I could go out to eat. I left Bill reading the paper on the computer. It was really quite nice, cloudy but nice. Bill and I went to Cracker Barrel for dinner around 2pm. That way we only ate one big meal. It was very good. Of course, Cracker Barrel is one of our favorites. Food is always good & prices are always dependable. No surprises. It was very busy. That made it easy so I didn't shop & spend a lot! Since we live in the trailer, I don't buy extras anyway. If it isn't for a gift or something that can be eaten or used immediately, I don't buy it. I like (not love) to shop, but not on my top ten favorite things to do. I'd rather just look & say, "oh, isn't that neat or isn't that pretty".
Thursday evening we played cards with Faye & Gene. We had all taken a nap & then got together around 5:30pm. Oh yes, we played Hand & Foot again, & the women beat the men. I think I get really good partners. I'm not that shrewd of a player, just good team work! Then they headed home to watch the Cardinal's play football. I fell asleep again while Bill was in the shower, so I think that meant it was time to hit the hay. Had to wait to take our showers as we had a lot of thunder & lightning. The rain really came down for about 20 minutes or so. Sounded like those cracks were going to open up the trailer!
Friday I was planning on attending my first meeting of the Supercom Computer Club. But when I got there no one was there. I went downstairs & read on the bulletin board that because of Thanksgiving there was no meeting. So I decided to look over all the amenities that were offered here at the park & write them down so I could keep track of what, where, when I was suppose to go over the next few weeks/months.
Since there was no class I decided to do my "walk around the park". Got to keep active. I don't want these "older folks" showing me up. Maybe this afternoon I'll go down & get in the pool. Either inside or outside since they are both heated. My muscles could use a little "hot tub" therapy.
Well, that about wraps up the last few days for The Traveling Cardinal' until next time, we will be here at Superstition Sunrise enjoying the fellowship, fun & scenery!
Saturday, November 22, 2008
No Snow In These Pictures
In 2000 when we traveled Interstate 40 we passed a sign that said Clarendon. I made a quick stop along the side of the Interstate, made Bill stand by the sign so I could take his picture. He was born in Clarendon, but that Clarendon was in Pennsylvania! Well today we got to go through Clarendon, TX. Population was 1974 (a few more than his hometown). These are some of the pictures he snapped as we drove through:
Clarendon College
First mountains of New MexicoScenery along Interstate 40 in New Mexico
Talked with family members today. Everyone seems to be doing fine & putting up with the snow. Bill's sister is doing well from her heart surgery but has suffered some pinched nerves causing pain in her arm & back. Still no word on when her next surgery will be. Talked with my sister Romayne last night & her husband Bob has to have surgery in January. He has a growth on his jaw that has to be removed. Seems like it's always something with everyone. Age has a way of doing that to us. Hopefully everyone will have the winter to recuperate & be able to enjoy a great Spring next year.
Just a beautiful New Mexico Sunset
Friday, November 21, 2008
Goodlett, Texas

Separation of seed and unusable part of the cotton plant - sticks, pods, etc.
That brings us up through today. Tonight it is very cold & already down to freezing. Needless to say, we have no hoses connected outside. The best part of this RV Park is they serve a continental breakfast between 8:00 & 9:30 AM in the store. The price???? $1 per person put in the honor box!!! Can't remember everything, but I believe she said, bagels, muffins, pancakes (I'm assuming the kind you put in a microwave), cold cereal & coffee & tea. Not bad for $1.00!! Guess we will eat at the store tomorrow morning. Saves me washing dishes prior to pulling out. Tomorrow we should hit Interstate 40 in Amarillo, TX then head west. We traveled the northwest route of 287 today out of Ft. Worth. It is a 4 lane highway, but not an Interstate. Travel was very good. Thanks Bob for recommending this route. You are right, we saw many trains. As I type this, one just went by across the road from the campground. Since I'm tired tonight, I doubt I'll hear any during the night!
Just for all those folks back in PA who wanted to come west but were afraid of the gas prices........well, things look pretty good out here. We have averaged between $2.54 & $2.79 for diesel. Gas prices have all been below $2.00 per gallon with the exception of a couple of places. That is much better than last year on our trip out. So if you all change your mind come February.......we will be in AZ soaking up the sun!!! Hint, Hint!
Well, time to "hit the hay" & stay warm for the rest of the night.
Until next time.......................The Traveling Cardinal's
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Westward Travel
Rosalie built in 1820s by Peter Little. It was used by federal troops as their headquarters. The furnishings were carefully stored by the occupying troops on the 3rd floor of the home showing the care not to destroy & abuse the property. I was lucky enough to play the grand piano in the parlor during our tour. A very special, neat experience. Luckily a hymn book was there on the piano opened to "What a Friend We Have In Jesus", a hymn I have played many, many times! The other side of the home looks toward the Miss. River & the grounds were beautiful. I didn't take my camera in as I didn't think we could take pictures here either. But the tour guide said, oh yes, you can take pictures all you want! Might know! Food was prepared in the building to the left in picture then taken through a walkway to the lower porch & passed through a window into the dining area. No cooking was done in any of the homes because of the heat and chance of fires.
This is the beautiful entrance to Longwood. Wouldn't you like to drive down this driveway to your home??? I love this picture. So peaceful looking!
Bill & tour guide talking. This is the first floor of the home which is not completed. The basement would be located under the porch where they are standing.
This is looking upwards from first floor up. Shows upper floors left just as they were.
We left Vidalia, LA this morning to head north to hit Interstate 20 & then across Louisiana. Missed our route, but still made it to where we were going. Road was good & very little traffic. Worst part was it was very, very foggy this morning. We arrived in Terrell, TX (approx. 60 miles east of Dallas) this afternoon around 3:45pm. Got my washing done, our showers taken & supper eaten so Bill could take up the water hose & sewer hose. When we pulled into Blue Bonnet Ridge RV Park, there was a sign up for freeze warning. So don't want to take the chance of frozen hoses! The wind has been blowing very hard since we arrived. We didn't unhook from the truck, but the trailer sways with the wind quite a bit. Almost like being drunk when you walk through the trailer. Will probably rock us to sleep.
Tried to call my sister, Romayne tonight to see how they were fairing in New York State! Erie, PA is calling for 1 - 1-1/2 ft. of snow still. When I checked the weather there yesterday they had severe weather alert until Sat. Temperatures are in the mid 20's. An email from my friend Sarah in N. Warren, says she has a foot of snow on her railing on her deck. She has shoveled twice today & it is still coming down. Oh my...........I don't miss it!!!!! Can't wait to get to Apache Junction!!!! Have been checking temperatures along Interstate 40 so we can be prepared for low temperatures at night. Day time doesn't look too bad & don't see any snow in the forecast. I think we will make it!
Yesterday my daughter let us know that little Nicholas has bronchitis. Gosh, those guys keep fighting those colds. He was feeling better tonight. All weekend he had a fever. Maybe he will be on the mend now & can get back to school next week.
Well, I think that about catches us up. Until next time..........The Traveling Cardinal's