Thursday, October 30, 2008
Another Lazy Day
Still have the stuffed up head, headache & sore throat. Another day to stay inside & watch the sun & clouds roll by.
The dogs seem to have quieted somewhat. I think they keep them inside most of the time. I did hear them outside before 8am again, but didn't seem to be as bad. Maybe all 18 weren't out there at the same time! LOL
Since tomorrow is Halloween, I think I'll carve my pumpkin today. The Halloween celebrations are already over with here at the park, but being a traditionalist, tomorrow is Halloween, so that's when I'll put my pumpkin out. I have tons of candy left as we were never here when the kids were trick or treating. I know what I'd like to do with it (EAT IT, it's chocolate!!!), but I guess I'd better find someone to give it to. I know a few little kids that would still love to have it. Maybe they will knock on the door tomorrow night. In case I don't write tomorrow.....HAPPY HALLOWEEN EVERYONE. Try it, it's addicting. Thanks Dee!!! What a way to kill an hour without even thinking!
Well, that's about it for now. Until next time.........The Traveling Cardinal's
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Cool & Breezy Days
Donna & Traci
Now the later (from above)....Last night a couple motor homes came into the campground in the next row over from us on the end (just like us). This morning at 7:45AM (I know, I know, quiet hour is only until 7AM), but......dogs (like everywhere) started barking & yipping!!! I got up to look out the window & oh my gosh. The new arrivals had pens outside with (I counted at LEAST) 18 dogs in those pens!!!! It was awful! I called the office to complain. They put a note on their door & after 2 trips outside to try & quiet them, they finally found the note. Needless to say, the dogs are now all inside the motor home. I guess they are having a dog show here this weekend. Now mind you, I like dogs, but in a controlled quantity & environment. Two tops. I'd rather see love & attention given to 2 than to try & spread your love, attention & temperament over that many! It was like having a kennel next to us! If the weather was nicer, we could spend our time walking at the beach, but since it's windy & cold, we are sitting at the trailer. If I had lots of money I could walk at the mall, but that's not an option either! So let's hope things are quieter for the next couple of days or so. Oh Arizona, where are you. It's getting closer to traveling!!!!!!!
Not much more to report. Oh yeah, I talked to my sister Romayne this morning in southwestern NY. It is my brother-in-law Bob's 80th birthday today. Had to call & wish him a happy day. Romayne said they had an inch of snow!!! Don't want it, Don't miss it. Since I woke up with a sore throat this morning, that would only make me feel more miserable! Snow on top of feeling lousy!?!
Until next time..........The Traveling Cardinal's
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Another Catch Up Day
Wed. evening we met my sister & her husband to take them out for supper for their 53rd anniversary. Went to Bellview East in Falconer, NY. We got enough for 3 meals! Needless to say, it was "boxes to go".
We arrived at Renee's around 4 or so. Unloaded beds, suitcases, etc. Long story short, I lost my 90 day prescription between the unloading somewhere. But when I got back to Virginia, we found them in another zipper part of the suitcase! Renee said I need a double dose of those vitamins with the memory support!!
On Friday we went shopping with the kids & Papa in the morning, then by late afternoon we took them home & Renee & I went out again. She was looking for a dress for a wedding. Wow! NONE of the stores sell dresses anymore. All pants, skirts & ugly tops!!! Finally ended up back at the first store (The Dress Barn) & got the one she liked from the beginning. Then we had to get plywood for the beds & one new mattress for the other bunk bed. We were pooped by the time we got back home at 8pm! Hungry & tired! But our mission was accomplished. Even threw in a few extras - new shoes, Halloween costumes & the makings of a scarecrow costume too.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Great Neighbors!
Samantha putting on saddle
Riding before lesson began. Blindfolded horse - for flies
The class
Riding Side by Side holding on to paper
Samuel took picture of horses
Today will be a "run around" day. Put diesel in truck, (which I saw yesterday at $3.75 on Virginia Beach Blvd. at a Shell station!), pick up a few groceries, check on barbershop for Bill, pick up prescription, vacuum & clean trailer (which I'm doing in between typing & downloading pictures), then maybe put our feet up by afternoon. It might rain sometime today & tonight, but they say the chance is slim. Temps are in mid to high 70's.
Last night was beautiful. We actually had a fire for a change. We could sit out & not get cold or damp. It was so nice. We invited the new neighbors across the street to come & sit with us. They are from Richmond area & are here on a rally with the dealership where they bought their trailer. Nice touch. They sponsor it every year for a weekend with entertainment, food, etc. Sounds like a very caring dealership. Customers count!
Okay, Dee, you can let your Mom read this & see the pictures. That will get her updated a little on what is going on. Since I can't send her pictures via computer, she will have to see yours this weekend. I hope you have great weather & a great time! Will see them next week for their anniversary! Love to all!
Well, until next time.............The Traveling Cardinal's
Saturday, October 4, 2008
A Beautiful Day
Thursday while Bill & I were walking the boardwalk at the beach, we noticed several signs that read Bikes for Sale. Bill has wanted to get a regular one speed cruiser bike ever since the gears on his bike got messed up when we hit an electric box at a campground. I told him to stop & check them out. We found out that they buy new bikes each year for the beach then they don't have to worry about storing them. So Bill looked around, made some adjustments to what he wanted, seat, handle bar covers, etc. and decided on a bike. Then he wasn't sure if it was a good deal or not. So we told the guy we would walk & be back. Well we went back & it was still there, but he still wasn't sure if it was a good deal. So we came home, went to K-Mart & checked on prices, then came home & checked on the Internet for the brand that was being sold at the beach. Here they were $289.00 bikes! So Fri. morning we got up "fairly" early & went back to the same place after checking some other places & low & behold, the bike was still there. So he bought it. Came home & got it all shiny. Looks like a brand new bike except for a few scratches here & there. I think he is happy. Since it rides on the back of the trailer, it will have more scratches probably anyway.
Friday night we went to Hooter's for supper (fish sandwich) & then went to the Virginia Farmer's Market where they have a hoedown each Fri. night from 7-10pm. It was really nice. Very family oriented. A few little groups playing their mountain music on the tailgates in the parking lot & then the main performers in the middle of the shops. They have a dance floor (cement) and a small stage. The group was pretty good. Middle - older age singers; group of 5 guys. Most of the dancers were older couples, singles & a few young people. It was nice to see the younger kids out there dancing with parents or grandparents. It brought back memories of dancing with my mom & dad when I was that age! Today a lot of kids wouldn't think that was cool. One gal around 10-11 yrs. old was pretty good - darn good at the line dancing. I only danced one line dance as I didn't know if I could follow the other ones. Can't wait to get back to Arizona & my lessons!!! I really enjoy that 2 hours of fun.
Today we went back to the Farmer's Market for tomatoes & I got a pumpkin. Decided I couldn't put it outside though as the squirrels would demolish it in minutes!!! They sure are pesty! So I decided to put it on the kitchen table until closer to Halloween, then after I carve it I'll put it in the truck at night with a tea light in it. I'll fool those darn squirrels! I even had to take my table cloth off the picnic table as they had torn it to shreds!
Tonight is the Oktober Fest, but I think we will just stay here at the trailer rather than walk down there. I enjoy the music, but because Bill doesn't dance, I'd get itchy feet, then have to just watch. I thought maybe he would dance a slow one last night, but no luck there. Maybe next time. They only have 2 more weeks on Fri. nights of the Hoedowns though. I hope the weather is nice next week so we can go back again.
I bought my yarn today so I can start my baby afghan. I hope I can remember how to do it. Deanna, help! You may be getting a call. I'm going to look at my directions to see if it comes back to me. If not, I know your number!
Well, that's about it for the past 3 days. Suppose to be nice tomorrow, so we'll see what tomorrow brings in the way of activities.
Until next time........The Traveling Cardinal's
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Two Days In A Row!!
It's hard to see the colors in the picture, but it is variegated browns & greens. The pattern is called Mountain Pines. The fringe of the material is mixed with the yarn in an edging my friend Deanna taught me. A very pretty effect.
Well, time to shower & maybe hit the road to the beach, the Wal-Mart with the yarn, or whatever. Need to pick up a few fresh vegetables & fruits so I imagine it will be Wal-Mart sometime today. It is just so great to see BLUE SKY & SUNSHINE again. Temperatures are to be in the lower 70's today & a little warmer as we get closer to the weekend, 79 by Sunday. Perfect! I'm just tired of the rain.
Until next time...........The Traveling Cardinal's
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Another Week Gone By
Friday after lunch I went to Wal-Mart to get my hair cut. Cut isn't quite the word I should use. It was so short when I came out I could put a ball cap on & pass for a man. I wanted it short around the ears & on the neckline, and some off the top. It got really short on the top. Not a curl left on my head from a perm of 4 weeks ago! Oh well, Bill said it would grow.
Late last Fri. afternoon we went down to the beach (didn't have to worry about my hair blowing!!!) to see the outcome of the judging on the sand sculpturing. They do amazing work & especially since the weather was so horrible. Here are a couple of the completed ones. I will only do a couple since I posted all of them in partial completeness in my last post.
Today we called friends, Faye & Gene in AZ to say hi. She said it was HOT. Gene has been working on his shed making it bigger & trying to get everything done so when the rest of us get there he can just relax & play. She said he only works in the mornings as it gets too hot to be outside in the afternoon. Still in the triple digits. But it looks like the forecast says a little cooler weather is coming their way. Can't wait to get there.
Mark came over this afternoon to fix our toilet. We were having trouble with it yesterday & the night before. The ball wouldn't close with the foot lever. It would stick open. We called 3 people about what the problem might be. We decided after talking with them we would go & pick up the parts & Mark would fix it instead of hauling it into a service center or having to pay someone to come out to the campground. Thank God we did! We didn't even need the parts! The screws had come loose & weren't into the lever far enough to activate the lever so the ball wouldn't close. Such a simple solution!! Saved ourselves about $200.00! We decided to keep the parts in case we need them in the future. It is an endless job to go through your rig after traveling to check on all those loose screws. Never even thought of that in the toilet. We knew the screws were there, but didn't think that was the problem. All fixed & ready to use. I had made Taco Salad for lunch but Mark didn't come until much later. So he ate after he finished. I told him I'm sorry that the Taco Salad wasn't worth $100.00, so until better paid, he got a big thank you and a hug. I'm sure he will be waiting for his pay one of these days. Ha! Ha!
Well, we had rain again today. Gosh, we've had more rain this year while we've been here than ever before. We have survived all the storms & storm warnings, but it sure has put it down hard a few times. A couple of the sights near us are under water & quite a bit of mud. Ours isn't too bad, but it does get muddy under the rug. We are moving our trailer to another site on Oct. 12th; right before we leave to go home for a quick visit again.
Tonight I finished my Swedish Weaving Afghan!! Finally! I've been working on it since last July/Aug. When the weather is hot, I don't work on it & when you travel from one place to another where it's warm, the sewing days are short. So since we've had rain & cooler temperatures the last few days I decided to get it done. I was just going to put it away & decide what to do with it later, but I kind of like it after I got it done. Just might keep it for myself. The next one I do will be a lap quilt, & much smaller. It takes me too long to finish one. Now I want to do a Cro-Knit baby blanket for a friend of Renee's. Those go much faster. Had a picture to insert but Blogger times out before I get it in. Will leave it for next time.
Well, that about wraps up the last week. Until next time........The Traveling Cardinal's