Sorry, I guess I think I've been on vacation! Not really, but there have been some busy days & then I sit with a book in my hand & my feet up. Sounds like I'm retired doesn't it! Well, since we aren't doing any traveling, then I might as well enjoy some of the rare sunshine that we have had in the past few days in between those dark clouds!I don't even know what we've been doing, but I know we have been busy. Bill has been helping Randy, the campground owner, cut up some trees that were cut down by a company that came in to do the big job. He spent 3 days doing that on Thurs., Fri. & half day Sat. I was looking for action pictures, but instead I caught them loafing! Not really, but there wasn't much action. The chain was off the saw blade. I wanted to say...."Guys, I think the saw is too little for the size trees you are trying to cut up", but you know, being a woman, I didn't dare say anything. I just walked away & took my pictures.Bill, Leon & Randy working on fixing the saw blade
Lots of trees to clean up & cut up

Took this picture of this pretty little goldfinch at one of the neighbors feeders. Stopped to talk with her while she was doing some weeding & the little finch came to eat. Then I decided to take a picture of our rig showing all the shrubs trimmed on our spot. Finished with the rest of it after the rhododendron's blossoms all fell off.
I took the time on Sat. to go into the little town where I went to school & mail a package, have a cup of coffee with my nephew, Denny, and then explore the antique store across from the post office that is owned & operated by a gal I went to school with. Susie & I had quite a chat & I even found a couple of things to buy.
One of the things I bought made my day!! When we were selling our house & the contents, one of the things I had a hard time parting with was a beautiful pressed glass punch bowl that belonged to my mother. It was on a pedestal that she sometimes used to put flowers in. I always loved it & I had it setting on top of my china closet, but on occasions of showers, Christmas parties, etc., I would use it. Well, a girl I worked with at the State, bought it. I saw her a couple of weeks ago & she said she had used it & that made me feel good to know it was still being used. Then I visited the little antique store & I found this cute little bowl that looked almost exactly like my punch bowl in miniature! So now I can say I downsized my house & also my punch bowl! It looks enough like it to satisfy me & that is all that counts! I know it's one more thing to pack every time we move, but oh well!
My Prize Purchase!
We had a call from our friends, Phyllis & Tom, from Iowa tonight at supper time. Was so glad to hear from them & know that they are no where near the floods in Des Moines! I know they actually don't live far from there, but not close to any of the water. With no basement they say they are in no danger! We were just glad to hear they were doing well! She said the mosquitoes are having a hay day with all the rain though. Guess there will be a run on Listerine, if what they say is tr ue. Bill is using it when he honey dips, but so far the mosquitoes here haven't been too bad.
Tonight was the Strawberry Social at the pavilion. Yum, Yum! I love strawberries. They are pretty pricey this year. Some places are $4.75 a quart! I think I'll buy my jam or......wait for my son to offer me a jar of his homemade freezer jam! He does a great job & it is really good. Kind of sweet for us weight watchers, but a little now & then doesn't hurt! Good on PB & J sandwiches & ice cream! Of course, I had strawberry shortcake tonight! One of my very favorites!
Tomorrow is weight in, so we will see what the scales say this week! Not very encouraged from last week, so I'm hoping I did better this week. Wish me luck!
So, my friend, Snookie, I guess I don't really have any excuse for not blogging, except being a little busy & just plain lazy! I didn't take my camera on my walk again this morning, but one of these days I am going to take it as the farm lands are beautiful from the top of the hill. It's fun to look over yonder & see where I grew up, never believing I'd be back in the same neck-of-the-woods spending my summers!
Oh & Snookie, every time I see a dead tree, I think of all you take for you friend! I'll have to email you a couple pictures you can "borrow" from the state of NY!! Then someday you can travel this way & see if you can find them! Ha! Ha!
In my many emails that I had to catch up on I got a note from my dear friend, Toni. She let me know that the gentleman I talked about who played the piano a week ago on Father's Day at the Chapel where we went had passed away this past Sunday. I was so glad we picked that day to attend! He will be sorely missed by family, friends & co-workers!
Take care all you good people & until next time........The Traveling Cardinal's